Friday, 17 October 2014

Do we need a school Garden?

Last term Pohutukawa were learning about plants and insects. We have our hanging gardens up and have planted some bean plants outside our class.
With our new writing genre, opinion writing, we have been thinking about if we need a school garden.
Here are some of our classes ideas:

I think we need a school garden so we can keep our school clean and also so we know how to keep beans.

I think we need to have a school garden because it makes the school look nice. It also helps us to learn to keep the school clean and we will have food to eat.

I think yes, we need a school garden because you can watch it grow and enjoy it as it grows new leaves. It is fun and beautiful.

We need a school garden because it makes it look nice to everyone, everyday. It also makes the school look healthy and nice.

We need a school garden because we can eat beans and lots of other food we grow.

We need a school garden because we can have food to eat and it will make our school look nice and clean so new people can come to our school.

I think we should have a school garden because it will have lots of pretty plants and food to eat. It will also make your garden look very clean too. It is good to have school gardens at school because it could be a plant or even a flower plant too. It is very good to eat beans of those plants because it can make you healthy.

I think we need a school garden because it means we can grow lots of different plants. We can grow lots of food, so our school looks nice and tidy.

I think we need a school garden because we'll have lots of food to eat. We'll  also have a nice garden. But we'll have to learn to keep our garden clean and tidy.

We need a school garden so we can have food to eat. A garden will make people come to our school.

I want a nice garden so we can have food to eat and make the school look nice.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome writing everyone! From Azaria's mum.
